Why You Should Consider a Career in Product Design (UI/UX) in 2024

Having trouble finding a job that matches your talents and interests? UI/UX style may surprise. Creativity, problem-solving, and empathy, not just painting skills. This blog post discusses how writing, psychology, and technical skills can help you get a decent UI/UX design job.

Why You Should Consider a Career in Product Design (UI/UX) in 2024
Have you ever closed a website out of annoyance, grumbling under your breath about confusing menus and buttons that appear to confuse rather than inform?

Perhaps you've had the opposite experience: an app that's so simple and easy to use that it seems to read your mind. The magic underlying those experiences is in the area of UI/UX design, and it could be the ideal career path you haven't considered.

Let's face it: picking a career might be like navigating a maze on your own. You may have a background in literature, psychology, or even engineering, and you may wonder if your skills apply to the world of design.

Alternatively, you can channel your innate need to analyse, organise, and develop into a skill that influences how millions of others interact with the digital world.

What's the answer? Absolutely! UI/UX design is a wonderful combination of creativity, problem-solving, and empathy, and chances are you already have many of the transferable abilities required to succeed.

Increasing Demand for UI/UX Designers

In today's digital age, user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are key components of product creation. As organisations recognise the importance of good design, the need for competent UI/UX designers is soaring. According to LinkedIn's 2023 Emerging Jobs Report, UI/UX design is one of the top emerging jobs, with a 22% growth rate over the previous year. This trend is projected to continue; therefore, now is the ideal time to enter this interesting industry.

Impact of Great Design

Consider your favourite items, whether they're a sleek smartphone, a user-friendly app, or a gorgeously designed website. What have they all got in common?

Excellent design.

Great design is more than simply aesthetics; it is about solving issues and providing experiences that improve people's lives.

Consider Sarah, a mother of two who enjoys shopping online but finds the experience stressful due to confusing interfaces and sluggish loading times.

She discovers a new app with a user-centric design that includes simple navigation, rapid load times, and personalised recommendations. Suddenly, shopping becomes a pleasure rather than a chore.

Sarah's pleasant experience demonstrates the power of good design, and you, as a UI/UX designer, might be the person who develops such significant solutions.

Transferable Skills for UI/UX Design

You may wonder if you have what it takes to be a UI/UX designer. The good news is that many of your existing talents can be easily transferred to this industry.

Here are a few:

  • Empathy and Communication: If you have a natural ability to understand people's needs and successfully communicate ideas, you already have a valuable skill for UX design. In order to create intuitive and satisfying experiences, designers must empathise with their users.
  • Problem Solving: Do you appreciate taking on challenges and coming up with creative solutions? UX design is all about identifying user issues and creating effective solutions.
  • Attention to Detail: A careful eye for detail is required in UI design, as even the tiniest details can have an impact on the overall user experience.
  • Creativity: If you have a creative side, UI/UX design is an excellent way to express your artistic abilities. There is lots of potential for creativity when it comes to colour choices and typography.
  • Technical Skills: If you've worked with graphic design software such as Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, or Figma, you're already ahead of the game. Even if you are unfamiliar with these techniques, there are numerous resources available to help you learn.

The Pleasure of Continuous Learning

One of the most interesting aspects of working in UI/UX design is the possibility to learn new things all the time. Technology and design trends change swiftly, so there is always something new to discover and master.

You'll never stop learning about the latest design software, comprehending new research methods, or investigating upcoming trends such as voice interfaces and augmented reality in your career.

Creating a tangible impact

In UI/UX design, your work can have an immediate and palpable impact on people's lives. You'll develop things that millions of people use every day, enhancing their experiences and making their lives easier. This sense of fulfilment inspires many designers to push the limits of their creativity and ingenuity.

Real stories, real inspiration.

Consider the tale of John, a former teacher who moved into UI/UX design. John enjoyed teaching, but he had an increasing urge to develop his artistic side and reach more people. With a foundation in communication and problem solving, he began to master design ideas and tools.

Today, John works for a leading technology business, developing educational apps that make studying more accessible and entertaining for kids all over the world. His story demonstrates that, with the correct mindset and talents, shifting to a profession in UI/UX design is not only achievable, but extremely rewarding.


If you're undecided about your professional path, look into UI/UX design. It's a field where creativity meets problem-solving, empathy drives innovation, and your work may have a significant impact. With a growing demand for designers and a wide range of transferable talents from varied backgrounds, now is an excellent moment to commence on this fascinating adventure.

Ready to take action? BetaKopa offers a comprehensive UI/UX design training platform to hone your skills and build a portfolio. With dedication and your unique skillset, you can thrive in this exciting and rewarding field.

So, take the leap. Your future in product design is full of opportunity to create, develop, and inspire.